You can try your hand at the exhibit consisting of four powerful rotatable spotlights, which imitate sunlight, and a buggy driven by two solar-powered electric motors. If the light beams from the spotlights are correctly aimed, the buggy will move around.
Since the exhibit allows the simultaneous engagement of four people, you can stage a real solar race by trying to drive your opponent into a corner which cannot be reached by the light from their spotlight, making them unable to move the buggy any longer.
Solar cells convert solar energy into electricity. A solar cell is effectively a broad-area semiconductor diode consisting of two distinct types of semiconductor layers (n-type and p-type). The energy of light, carried by photons, is converted directly into electricity through the photovoltaic effect.
A solar cell becomes conductive only after the transition layer between the p-type and n-type semiconductors has become conductive as a result of being exposed to solar radiation (electrons receive enough energy to move from the valence band to the conduction band). Solar cells convert energy directly into direct current.