Here are some of our most popular exhibits

Interactive exhibits and experiments

Krško Nuclear Power Plant startup simulation
Krško Nuclear Power Plant startup simulation
In cooperation with Krško Nuclear Power Plant experts, we developed a computer simulation of the nuclear power plant operation, whose main focus is to demonstrate the operation of a nuclear power ...
Renewable energy sources
Renewable energy sources
Learn about the upsides and downsides of small renewable energy sources – solar and wind. Explore the comparison charts between the total installed capacities and generation outputs of these ...
Cloud chamber and radioactivity counter
Cloud chamber and radioactivity counter
Radiation is a natural phenomenon where energy radiates from the source of radiation in the form of electromagnetic waves or in the form of particles. You can see the cloud chamber, an instrument ...
Solar race
Solar race
You can try your hand at the exhibit consisting of four powerful rotatable spotlights, which imitate sunlight, and a buggy driven by two solar-powered electric motors. If the light beams from the ...
Van de Graaff generator
Van de Graaff generator
The Van de Graaff generator can be used to demonstrate the accumulation and transfer of electric charge. A person touching the metal globe can be electrified so that their hair stands up, and often ...
Tesla coil
Tesla coil
The Tesla coil is a special type of transformer used for producing high-frequency, high-voltage currents.
Energy mix
Energy mix
The "Energy mix" computer simulation is designed to simultaneously allow multiple visitors to steer the power production at 6 different types of power plants in order to follow the daily power demand ...
Large 3D scale model of Krško Nuclear Power Plant
Large 3D scale model of Krško Nuclear Power Plant
Visitors can explore the 3D scale model of Krško Nuclear Power Plant with the help of a movable touch screen.
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